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About Seawood

For the past four decades, Seawood Builders has been the contractor of choice when it comes to customer service and fast-track capability.

While other successful builders stress size and organizational depth as the strengths of their company, the Seawood team takes pride in being able to perform the same technically-complex and challenging projects through the personal involvement of the firm’s leadership. From pre-construction through construction and turnover, our clients count on working side-by-side with a Seawood principal.

The Principles of 5S

As a standard of kaizen, 5S is the foundation of all improvements. It is also the key component of establishing a visual workplace.
We apply 5S standards to our organization via a hub that improves efficiency, services (to our clients and subcontractors) and safety. The hub also energizes the process and stakeholders.

5S standards appear simple and could be dismissed as common sense. However, when implemented in a disciplined manner, the benefits show measurable results that ultimately make each and every one of Seawood’s construction projects a more cohesive
job site.

kaizen 5s

Our Core Values

kaizen logoOur principles are captured by the Japanese term kaizen, or “continuous improvement.” In a kaizen world, skill is not a static - or fixed - quality, but the subject of continual labor. Kaizen is continuous improvement that is based on these guiding principles*:

  • Good processes bring good results
  • Go see for yourself to grasp the current situation
  • Speak with data; manage by facts
  • Take action to contain and correct the root cause of a problem
  • Work as a team
  • Kaizen is everybody’s business

We’re a company that will never be satisfied with a static - or fixed - mindset. We constantly aim to align our organization, attain breakthrough results, and sustain gains.
